$297.00 USD

Performance Catalyst

In my one-hour Performance Catalyst Coaching you get 60 minutes of intensive nutrition coaching to learn how to eat to hit your goals.


Not only that, you also get to a fully customised calorie and macronutrient plan that you can immediately use to plan your meals and get amazing results. 


Here are some of the things we can discuss during your coaching:

  • How to eat, what to eat, and when to eat to suit your body composition

  • Macronutrients and how they work

  • Your training/exercise schedule and how to optimise it

  • Tips on how to track macronutrients so it feels easy

  • How to break the idea that there is no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ foods


NOTE: As soon as you complete purchase, you will receive an automated email asking you to book your 1 hour coaching session.

What People Are Saying:

Sherry has made the process highly enjoyable through being thoughtful and approachable throughout, providing easy to understand information whilst also ensuring I stay on track working towards my goals. Her focus on happiness and sustainability alongside achieving goals has improved my relationship with food and given me confidence in maintaining a good balance moving forwards.

Sam Baker