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Even if you've tried all the diets...

Lose fat and build 'lean' muscle eating the foods you love


So you can get ripped by turning even your guilty pleasures into powerful fuel for your workouts


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Do you train hard but feel like your body doesnā€™t reflect the work that you put into it?Ā 


Iā€™m willing to bet you can completely change your body composition (you know, lose fat and have visible muscle) in 12 weeks.
The (understandable) thing thatā€™s holding you back?
A strategic macro plan designed specifically for sustainable fat loss. This may sound unconvincing especially if youā€™ve been doing all the ā€œright thingsā€ like calorie counting, macro tracking and training like a marine.
Because whatever you try - Paleo, Whole30, 75 Hard, it all starts off really well in the beginning, but after a while you start noticing a pattern that goes a little like thisā€¦
You eat all the ā€œallowedā€ foods Mondays through Thursdays and thenā€¦
Friday comes around and you decide to eat a slice of pizza, and then you think oh well, Iā€™ve blown it anyway so I might as well just have some dessert. The only problem is that you donā€™t stop there, you eat one doughnut, then a bag of chips, then by the time Sunday night comes around you thinkā€¦


ā€œIā€™ll start tracking again tomorrow and just eat just 1,200 calories!ā€


Of course that process repeats itself all over again by Friday, taking your through a cycling over eating well during the week and eating terribly over the weekend.
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Here'sĀ Our Transformations

That's me and the hubby

We both went from a Paleo diet, to aĀ tailored-macro diet,Ā which meant that we were able to get results whilst still eating our favourite foods.

If you think you have to give up all processed foods to lose fat and build ā€˜leanā€™ muscleā€¦Ā Ā 




While advice like ā€œdonā€™t eat processed foodsā€ is well meaningā€¦


Itā€™s superĀ  important that you understandā€¦


Creating a leaner physique without sacrificing performance and your mental health is mostly a question of eatingĀ someĀ of the foods you love, eating them at theĀ right timeĀ so it actually works in your favor, and knowing exactly how to adjust the macros.
The only reason why your dream body feels far away?
Youā€™ve been led to believe that in order to actually lose weight you have to:
  • Stop eating after 6pm
  • Go on a fast
  • Give up carbs


Hear this: The idea that carbs make you gain weight, is a myth.
With the right strategies, even a diet consisting of breads and pastas can result in effective fat loss for the long term, and increase performance leading to more personal best scores!
Iā€™ve done it myself, and Iā€™ve shown countless other athletes and exercise-enthusiasts how to do the same.

Youā€™re a workout warrior, you already know the importance of fueling your body


Ā But with so much conflicting advice and pseudo-science out there it can be really hard to know who to trust.


So maybe you think well if I stick to the clean-eating stuff I should be safe right?


You see, this is where people go wrong. While itā€™s true, whole foods are undeniably better for you, completely giving up all your favorite foods can sometimes backfire (if youā€™re here you probably already know this), not to mention, in some instances can slow down recovery.


Still with me?ā€¦


The fuel your body looks for during times of physical activity is called glycogen, and this fuel is derived from the food you eat, and gets stored in your muscles for later use (like when your coach tells you to perform 100 burpees).


The more you have of it during exercise the faster you move, the stronger you feel and the better you recover.


Because your body relies on the fast release of glycogen during intense exercise, its important that you eat the right stuff at the right time so that your body can access this when it needs it.Ā 


This window of opportunity is referred to as the ā€œintraā€ nutrition


If you eat carbs when your body is most receptive to it, you can use it to help you increase performance and speed up fat loss.


Most dieters wonā€™t do this though, because they want the short-cut of giving up carbs to trade for fast weight loss (AKA water loss).

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The few who master the art of carb-cycling (you know, eating carbs at the right time), AND practice it, yield incredible results long-term and continue to change their body composition.



Here's What Others Are Saying...


I definitely wouldn't have achieved this without your amazing support and constant advice. You are so knowledgeable, approachable and so reassuring, when I feel a bit lost. I am really happy with how I am feeling currently, both physically and mentally but always like to continue to improve and challenge myself.

John Merrill

LI started off using Munchies and Macros just to lean up and lose a couple of pounds, but it ended up changing my whole diet routine. And sherryā€™s support was amazing through the whole process.

I am here to prove to you that you can lose fat without giving up your favorite foods, (so you donā€™t end up back on the binge-eating hamster wheel).


ā€¦ and still have lots of energy during those runs and lifts.




The Macro BlueprintĀ 

A guide for sporty people who just want to know how to eat for fat loss so they can stop yo-yo dieting and build ā€˜leanā€™ muscle.

Get immediate access!

These guys got incredible results following the blueprint

Here's what you get:


Detailed Macros

An interactive spreadsheet that allows you to enter your biometrics and creates you a detailed macro plan outlining exactly when and what to eat based on your goals and your training schedule


A step-by-step guide

on how to enter a calorie deficit effectively so you can be clear on which macros to drop first so that you can sustain your energy and crush your training whilst remaining in a deficit


A diet reverse strategy

that tells you exactly how to increase calories without gaining back fat so you donā€™t have to diet forever


Just this Playbook alone, is valued at $397
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But wait... you get bonuses too!


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Bonus #1


AĀ Macro calculated cookbook ($47 value)


Never eat bland food again with this recipe book. From Thai food to peanut butter cookies, youā€™ve got everything you need to cook family friendly meals so your kids can eat the same as you!


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Bonus #2


The Lean Dinerā€™s Playbook: Strategies For Eating Out

($27 Value)


Discover the joy of dining out without derailing your fat loss journey! The Lean Dinerā€™s Playbook: Strategies for Eating Out, is your secret weapon to enjoying meals out while sticking to your goals.


Packed with actionable tips and mindful eating strategies, this playbook empowers you to make smart, satisfying choicesā€”no matter the menu. Say goodbye to stress and hello to a guilt-free dining experience.


That's a total value of $471!

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Get lifetime access

When you purchase the Macro Blueprint

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Immediate access!


One time payment


Immediate access!


2 Mth Payment Plan




Commonly Asked Questions

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Hi, I'm Sherry!


Hey friend, I'm Sherry, a baby-faced middle-aged athlete with a teenage son and a tween daughter.

Years ago, I was stuck in the cycle of under-eating and over-training just so I could build "lean muscle" only to learn that it doesn't exist.

That's right, muscle can't be "toned" and it can't be made "lean" and that's just one of the most commonly misunderstood things about creating an athletic physique.

I've helped hundreds of other masters athletes drop fat, increase performance and on many occasions, reach the top of their age category in their sport.

I've put together easy-to-understand information in this bundle so you can go away and build your own nutrition plan.


So go grab it!

Start your journey now!

AllĀ See what others say about working with me